Tuesday, March 23, 2010

life outside of my mind

My heart pounded when i lingered through that awful park,
The place where everything is just so different and dark,
I saw those homeless people smoking and passing it on,
Not caring about anything but what they want,
While they are fantasizing life,
their livers are being eaten away,
Today i was an outsider as those colorful hippies hold hands,
While the dry wind blows and as the homeless collect cans,
I was an intruder, yes, i was alone,
i couldn't believe that this dump was their home,
all those hippies looked cheerful and young,
those homeless look depressed and drunk,
i could not believe the lifestyles i saw, they are all just so different from mine,
they make me feel thankful that i have something,
today i was an outsider, and i realized that many similarities hide

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

My reasoning:

I write my poetry with passion, and my emotions i feel are real. I take my anger and frustration out on paper. Many other people get very depressed during their life and make bad decisions on how to handle their problems, so i made this blog to encourage them to try writing poetry because it releases your stress.